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10ml Roll-On Bottle 


Why it’s so special: Sometimes you just need a hug. The warmest, most nurturing and understanding hug that says, ‘you’re going to be ok’. Get a hug. No explanations required :)


What’s in it:

Black Eyed Susan—warming and replensihing for the emotional energetic body

Acerola—uplifts and soothes emotions

Green Chamomile—activates happiness and courage within

Andrographis—warms the heart and sustains higher emotions

Ginger—facilitates overall balance and harmony



Custom Elixir Formula #14


Your custom elixir is packaged in an amber glass roll-on bottle with an organic jojoba oil base. Simply roll your formula onto the pulse points of your wrists, sides of your neck and over your heart area, or on the bottom of your feet before going to bed. 

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